Declared Dead And Body Bagged For Nearly An Hour! His Full Incredible Story
- Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
- Vinney Tolman shares his life changing experience of being declared dead for nearly an hour, followed by being in a coma for several days. What he saw while his spirit was disconnected from his body is something we all need to hear and learn from. His experience is one of the most powerful near death / after death experiences that we've ever heard.
To connect with Vinney and learn even from him please visit:
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The Prioritize Your Life series highlights experiences from amazing people to inspire us all to live a better life. A life where we are focused on what truly matters. Let's leave this world with no regrets.
Created, Directed, Produced, and Hosted by Wesly Lapioli.
Declared Dead And Body Bagged For Nearly An Hour - His Full Incredible Story
I was killed in an automobile accident. I was dead for 4 hours. As the doctor told my husband and nurse, who came out and whispered to the doctor, we have a heartbeat. I was in a comma 8 more hours. During this time I was in the arms of the Lord.
Your story is very interesting thanks for sharing
I wish you could explain further your story
Ah yes that would be lovely to read more of your beautiful experience ~ in His arms ♥️
@@jenniehawkins9998 did you just feel like you were in the arms of the Lord or do you remember the experience? We would love to hear more.
@@jenniehawkins9998 wow!
I wish you could share this in more details😇
This is great. I am 77 and also don't worry about aging. Amazingly, the Lord has given me good health and I, too, believe God only knows the number of our days so why not live each day He has given us? There is something I quit doing after I turned 70. I hired a house cleaner. No more scrubbing floors and dusting! Makes me happier.
I get that!!☺️
I was a house keeper for 35 years and I loved everyday of going to work! There is joy in serving others❤ And I am 71 and still helping others!
Bless you. There really is something for everyone. ❤
I prayed for my patients through out my whole 45 year career as a nurse! 👩🏼⚕️ ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
The hospital was secular and I got reprimanded for it a couple of times. I learned to pray silently. 😅❤❤❤❤❤
God Bless you!! 🙏❤
I love this. My son is a paramedic who prays over every patient. I hope if I’m in that position, I have a paramedic who prays and listens. ❤
I really think prayer helps. Your son is amazing for doing that.
I'm going to school to be a paramedic. I will pray with and for my patients. I am also reiki certified and will be using my gifts to comfort others. ❤ Thank you to you for those words and your son for spreading good energy.
@@christinewoeltge5020That's awesome! Thank you for that!
I had a friend named Bill who woke up in a body bag in a chopper leaving Vietnam. 🇻🇳 He had drank himself into an alcoholic coma. They discharged him after that. He fought it in the courts and got his full rank reinstated. He was a very kind man. 😅❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Vietnam Vets were treated horribly...even after they came home, used as pawns in the games of the elite. So tragic!
Sometimes alcohol (as bad as it is,) beats taking the bridge. It sounds like he was self medicating in order to remain in a hellish situation.
His story needs to be made into a movie, I feel the love as he talks about everything, everyone needs to hear this!❤❤❤
@@PrioritizeYourLifewhat happened to his friend who also drank the mixture !
That’s what I want to know?!
His friend survived and now is in the supplement industry! As an advocate for safety due to his experience
@@DougT-Fam does he have a similar story at all?
I came very close to dying 6 months ago. This story has made me cry and I feel the holy spirit within me so much. My experience 6 months ago has changed my life also. Thank you Lord for blessing me with my life! ❤️❤️❤️🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Amen God be praised Hallelujah
Thank you for coming back! You are connected to God forever
Great God Bless you ! 🙏🙏🙏
Praise God & May God continue to bless you ❤️🙏❤️
Me too. 90% blockage of my widow-maker 3 weeks ago. Jesus is the only reason I am still living.
This was beautiful and I love how the host stays quiet and lets the person speak on their own time and way. ALSO I loved the man’s voice. He has such a peaceful voice. God bless all
He does!
His eyes looked like he could barely keep them open falling asleep.
Make this comment top so it might help someone. My addiction took me to the depths of depression and schizophrenia, and I nearly lost hope. But things began to change when I started repeating gratitude and repentance affirmations like ‘I am grateful, and I am sorry,’ day and night. At first, they felt like just words, but slowly they began to work. Now, I only repeat them three times a day-before bed, after waking up, and in the evening-for 30 minutes, and I am happy. The voice in my head has become a friend.
Neuroscience actually shows that you rewired your brain. So cool! Congrats and God bless!
Thats the holy sprit, pray,never stop praying you will be fine and we will be returned to home one day,praise God
Thank you
Sorry for asking. Do you still have addiction. Because the same thing happened to me. I still smoke cigarettes.
@@laurensmith1259cigarettes where the easiest thing to quit
I just went through a 3-day process of not wanting them and then that was it I never craved them again
May all of us begin to share our love throughout the neighborhoods we live in.
I do!!!
I just realized reading your comment that all my neighbors on my side of the street (idk about the other side,) but all mine are devout Christians. That made my day. I never thought about it until now. No wonder God moves mountains here. 🕊
Which mountain has he moved?
His experience has a lot of similarities to my own. I was gone for at least 10 earth minutes while they were working to bring me back... The things I saw and experienced are mostly indescribable because you feel and understand "life" in ways that you don't fully perceive and understand here on earth. Every moment, every thought, is so much deeper and real than what we perceive here. I have no fear of death, and, in fact, I will feel like I'm going home to a very beautiful place. I also saw Jesus and he spoke to me. He told me that I was going back because it wasn't "yet my time". Immediately I awoke in the hospital and saw the doctor wiping sweat from her brow... When she saw that my eyes were open, she said "young lady, you gave us quite a scare; we worked for 10 minutes to bring you back!
Yours sounds real. Thank you for sharing that with us.
@@KathyKelley-jl9bo if its real, why not make a cideo about it?
what do you mean if?@@lucaskazama878
So happy to hear that the rookie could transfer and remain a medic for the fire department. He has a gift and it was verified by his experience with you. You are blessed, sir!!💪😘
I was in a car accident when I was 17. My heart stopped & I saw them working on me below. I told everyone I saw the monitor go flatline. They said there was no way I could see that because the monitor was behind me. I believe every word of this story! God bless you for sharing it!
My dear ex-husband died three weeks ago. I rarely saw him but I always loved him. One of our daughters recently received a lengthy message from him expressing his sorrow for all the pain his decisions he made in his life caused his loved ones. He told her to thank me for all the love.
Amazing! The last couple sentences he said has me in tears. I have been feeling this inside every fiber of my being and soul. Humanity is not living the life we were meant to live. We’ve lost our connection to the earth, to others, and to ourselves. It is ALL about love and connection with others. Christ is King indeed❤️
You comment is prudent and profound. Jesus is the way, the life and the truth. Separation from our Lord is hell.
‘Jesus’ (a mistranslation of the word CHRISTOS) represents a plane of consciousness which is higher in frequency to that of “Earth”.
Jesus does not represent a human being.
@@andsoitgoes1142 … read the Snowy owl post
@@snowyowl6892 Yes. Christ consciousness.
There are a few NDE stories out there that I will never get tired of hearing and Vinny's is one of them. I will watch or listen anywhere I may find him. So grateful for the impact of his experience on my life.
If you don’t mind, could you share the names of the NDE stories you like?
I never heard his story, now I wanna binge watch more NDE stories! 😂
I didn't exactly die, but I od'd at 17 on something that I intentionally took because of a breakup. I puked all night and came in and out of consciousness, and while laying there, I heard voices taking about me. I didn't understand until many years later. To say the spirit world is real is an understatement.
I agree. His is one I come back to. Another one is Jeff Olsen (the first one I ever heard) and also Amy Call. There are others as well that I remember well, unfortunately, I don’t remember any names. I’ve watched hundreds of these testimonies 👀💜
The one by an atheist, a woman with short black hair, is great
Title is Atheist overdoses, look for that and NDE and you’ll find it!
I also recommend getting his book, I was transfixed, it is SO wise!
Vinny’s story is so important. As he describes the grass, flowers and trees you can sense the nature of this place is made up of love. The love makes up the whole and we are all part of the same love. ❤️
Yes this, I refer to it as the oneness!💫☺️💜✌️
@@JamieCurranthemagnificent-z7h I call it Oneness, The All, God or even the IS. The biggest lie is that we are isolated from the All. ❤️
If y'all have never read the book by Akiane Kramarick called "Akiane," you must to read it! She's the child prodigy that painted the life-sized painting of Jesus when she was around 9 yrs old. Her book on God, Jesus, Heaven etc is absolutely amazing. Sounds a lot like what everyone is saying on this thread.
Because the creator is pure LOVE!!!
I love you Lord Jesus, with my whole heart ❤️
I’ve been led for some years to believe this earth is a school, and that we come from Heaven. We’re here to learn what we can not learn in Heaven, and glorify HIM. (Of course this goes quite against my Baptist upbringing) However for over 20 years I’ve been drawn to books and now videos on NDEs. I’m 72yr and your later story caused my eyes to leak. Widowed a little over four years and living alone, happily. Now, with your story, I feel the need of a human hug and touch again.
Sending you Lots of Love&Hugs 💜🤗🤗
Sending you one big hug from me in Australia ❤. You're never alone and your divine purpose here hasn't ended yet. 😊
I wish I could meet you and hug you, friend. We all deserve a glorious hug! ❤😊
Amen! Go for it! "A man that finds a wife, finds a GOOD thing!"
Pray for a companion. Ask God to bring someone to you. Hope you get your hug soon. God bless you.
I've heard Vinny Toleman many times and never get tired of listening to him. I'll never forget..this is a classroom not a courtroom. Please Vinny...if you read these reviews, have your book published in hardcover. I have the paperback, but I want a hardcover of your beautiful testimony. ❤❤❤
Me too! I love his voice and his story
Yes your right and at age 76 when he said that being authentic was very important and it hit me hard because i wondered how many times I wasn't authentic and I was even wondering if I knew how to be authentic.Like telling you this am I being authentic or just trying to impress with how I felt,I guess ive displayed both to you telling you how I felt was authentic But also wanting to impress you by writing it to you would that be unatuthentic? Its confusing so I need to ask GOD if I can be taught how to be truly that way.
@@marcgiardina4043what a wonderful testimony. Do, any of us know how to be authentic? I,believe that at times when I was being completely trueful with someone .... and, when I was with my one and only best friend , that knew me better than anyone else including my only child( son ) ! I, have missed her so much over the years.i, have never before or since had anyone that I trusted and loved as much as my only friend Bo ( pronounced Bow) .😢 my, our precious Lord bring us together again before I die. ❤
I want to believe this 12:30 12:40 am
@marcgiardina4043 // You're being authentic. Otherwise, you wouldn't have thought about it.
If only we could have this love for our fellow creatures here on earth . We must open our eyes to the pain we cause . Thank you vinnie.
I so agree with you. I try not to be annoyed by the tons of comments I see on this and other NDE experiences about how wonderful it was that the grass in the trees were alive and could feel and that applies to the animals that are put on their plates in the evening and mornings.I saw him in an interview last year and he does not eat animals because of this experience
@@kathiemudge9644I am not making a case for eating animals, but if everything, even the grass, is alive and feels, what are we to eat?
Amen. Our religious teachers tell us a fish or mammal has a purpose in our eating of their flesh. Same with plants. We have an obligation to treat all with kindness though. We need to bring back small farms and abolish big industries that cause pain, poisons and destroys our earth. I pray humanity comes backnto G-d and the earth is flooded with truth.
I could feel the warmth and kindness coming from his voice and his being even before he started to describe his NDE. I particularly liked his interactions with nature and his message about relationships being the only thing we can take with us to the afterlife.
Thank you for sharing this, I needed to hear this. It's not only life changing for Vinney but anyone that hears this message. Beautiful.
Totally agree! It is a story I will always stay with me to help keep my priorities straight! Thanks for being here!
God is great.
So true.
@PrioriGod bless youtizeYourLife
I want to be healed with that water…
I loved how comprehensive and detailed he was. There little videos of grass and mountains helped me imagine what he was describing. This is now one of my most favorite stories, ever.
It’s so wonderful to listen to an interview without the interviewer interrupting the guest every 5 minutes.
Thank you so much for that❤
I thought the same thing. And not dragging out comments and observations, but just inspiring the person interviewed, to pour out from their heart.
As soon as an interviewer notices that his guest is talkative: let him/her go! This interviewer knows his trade!
How true and it is so common place now with dual newscasters and podcasts everyone seems to interrupt now
I know His eyes, filled with unspeakable love ❤️, love is the best we can give !!! GOD BLESS
I'm amazed that as the testimony the interviewer let him tell everything without Any interruption
I'm totally impressed
Never saw that before
Grrrr8 job sir ❤
I agree, he just let the words flow out of him. This is one of the most amazing NDE I have ever heard, just beautiful.❤
👍 thanks for letting him speak and not interrupting like the others. I loved it
One issue is how could the trainee paramedic be punished for saving a life, no brain damage. That does not make sense.That is a hero AND requires review of resuscitation process. Surely.
yes, he is a hero! That part of the story just baffles me!
Fantastic. Working as a medium I've never heard of something this deep. It's like when Jesus said "take your bed and go".
That was one travel, one experience of its kind.
"We come from that love". Yes!
"Earth is a school"..... Yes!
What a trip.....
Agreed. This one really gave me chills! Everything that worked out for me to interview Vinney was also really amazing. Thanks for being here Stefan and for all your comments! It's appreciated
Thank you Stefan for all your support I think you win the award for most engaged of all of my subscribers, and I appreciate it! We just started a crowdfunding campaign to keep this series coming for years to come. I'd be so grateful to have you check it out and share it with your loved ones, and contribute to become our team member if you are able. Thank you!
@@PrioritizeYourLife Thanks!
Some RUclipsrs use a gift tags directing to a payment institution like PayPal. Sorry but I don't use unknown institutions.
The link you shared above...that page no longer exists.
You should stop working as a medium. You are communicating with devils that are tricking you
Authenticity is the most important thing 🙏💥
I’d like to see an interview with the rookie medic as well! Praise JESUS! God bless you! 🙏🏻
Me too! :)
Yep,,that was without doubt divine intervention.
I know! It's really sad he was reprimanded for saving someone's life!!! 😢 isn't that what he is supposed to do? 😮
Yes I agree we need to find that medic and get him on the camera.
Vinney talked about him, but said he didn't believe him
Dear beautiful man thank you. My soul often feels like it's longing to leave my body and go home. I am an empath and find this life journey very difficult as the pain around me is at times unbearable. Loved to hear of your experience. You are a blessed man. G-D BLESS YOU AND YOURS WITH ABUNDANCE. ❤🎉😊
Hello there,
Wow how interesting that you are an empath & find the pain unbearable at times. What a special individual you are. I feel that you must be very close to Christ’s suffering. This is indeed a gift but our Lord will not give you more pain than you can deal with.
I got a second chance at life after being in a coma & I cam back with a peace that I can only describe as being Mary’s peace. I was brought back to do more of our Lords work in this troubled world & to pray more than ever for all disasters going on in this word. To save souls so we can see our father in heaven. Keep doing the good work you are doing but also remember if you will to offer that suffering up. God bless you & everyone you touch. Amen.
Same here. Trying to find my tribe! Alone in Hawaii. Good, caring loving people are hard to find these days!
God bless and keep you close❤
GOD is Real!❤❤
That was incredible. I thought id just watch the first 10 mins but I was captivated the entire time. What a story! Praise God.
His triple great grandfather's eyes reminds me of my paternal grandfather's eyes! My grandpa loved me so much and i knew it his whole life. He passed at 93.
My father just passed away 2 years after my mom so this brings me more peace thank you 🙏
I'm sorry
So sorry for your loss, and so close together it must of been very very hard
My late husband and I had this what he talks about in the great love 2 people can feel when they come together...its like a huge explosion of light and you heart feels totally radiated with something you never really ever feel. I wish this for all people to feel this just once while in this 3D Earth
I have never had a nde but I have had the “homesick” for home that’s other worldly. Beautiful story. Thanks for sharing ❤
I just love this guy .. I've seen him before. He describes one of the most unforgettable, revealing experiences , after death, that I have ever heard. I just love it. Thank you for interviewing him.
“You’re here to love, with skin on”.
Loved this sharing.
God bless.
A lot of people that have an NDE have a tendency of saying they don’t realize it’s their body or they see a body, but they don’t realize it belongs to them. I was 12 years old when I had a NDE and immediately I knew that the body in the middle of the road, it was mine. Immediately started the telepathic communication with people around my body to pick up my body because I knew that the body was very important to me…
Wow amazing, we only know the tip of the iceberg really ! So glad you survived. Did annything else happen with yours ?
The car that hit me broke my frontal skull. When communicating with people watching my body, I had to repeat several times for 2 people to pick up my body and one of them was my friend. She told the man to pick me up after I told her several times to pick me up. When the men picked me up, I just went back to my body. My body was in shock, after a few seconds I started running And everyone had to chase me and hug me until my mother came to get me. It took me a while to process what had happened to me. At the age of 14 was when I realized that we were spiritual beings. Because several other things happened to me during that time 🙏🏽🙏🏽
@@LifeisEnergy2 Thanks for sharing and thank God you are still here.
Wonderful story. I am curious what happened to the friend who was also poisonned? & What happened about the dangerous product that was responsible for poisonning them?
I was wondering the same thing Fid he die?
He was fine! Released from the hospital the next day. Vinney has an interview on the channel Next Level Soul where he explains this :)
Beautiful event, thanks for sharing. My great grandpa was like Drake. Everyone loved him. He was my best friend when I was a kid. I miss him so much! I hope he's the first family member I see when I cross over❤
This is beautiful. What a blessing he is to so many. Such an amazing message from what we believe is Heaven. I don't know how this popped up on my RUclips. Love Love Love
I often tell my wife that the power of life and love is in everything - every microbe, every plant, every animal and even in the dirt in which gardens and forests grow.
What a fantastic experience Vinney has had! I'm 77, nearing the end of this learing experience. Thank you so much for this relude of what's ahead!
This man's NDE story is the best ever described and truly should have seminars and told at schools churches ,and his books should be spread given to many special people at their end of life due to various reasons ,his book should be in every hospital cabinet next to a bed .Truly bringing back heaven to earth and I agree we are spiritual beings living a physical experience .I always Say that ..
WOW AND WOW!!! How i look forward to going Home! Mom just went there and i can't help think about ALL she is experiencing! And all those that are there b4 her who she is seeing...including my brother. Its so cool how several NDEs have talked about the grass., the water, the expanse and incredible Light. .Oh my. Wow, wow, wow!
Oh how I love to hear from Vinney, I will never get tired of hearing his story! It’s changed my heart in so many ways! I feel like I am on a journey that is so thirsty to learn more and more about our spirituality! Thank you Vinney for sharing so deeply ♥️
What a spectacular testimony! It confirms so many things for me. Thank you for sharing. Earth School is a journey…not a destination.❤️
Yes, This Us the Test! What will you do with the Gift of Life?🥰🙏❤️
I had an NDE after a car accident 43 years ago. I saw it from above and thought it was a bad dream. I looked around an saw the landscape at sunrise. It was very peaceful. A voice said to go back and I said I don't want to.
I had been under the vehicles rear end. I was pulled out and let with a trooper. I wound up in hospital with crushed vertebra, broken arm and crushed nose.
And how are you now? I hope you have healed
wow amazing... and would you like to share more of your story??
Thank you Vinny ! Life is a Classroom not a courtroom. Bless you Vinny .
I loved this ❤ and I love how the host never ever interupted at all ❤ I’m so happy you came back too live the rest of your life ❤
I think this is the only interviewer I have ever seen that does not interrupt and it was very refreshing
Mind and Spirit are totally blown away! Needs to be a Movie!
Beautiful , it's amazing when you get clarification even when deep unside you have an inner knowing all along ♥️
What a life affirming story. I am filled with so much hope and strength to go on, knowing that there is more than we see with our eyes. There is such a powerful energy in the telling of this experience, thank you for sharing it and thank you for being my guide 🙏🙏🙏
I completely agree. Thanks for being here and posting your kind comment!
I totally feel the awesome energy you speak of!❤️🙏❤️
Yes it's a beautiful story. The loving Father is waiting for His children who are adopted into His family through one way + faith in Jesus' death and resurrection and receive Him as our Saviour ( who saved us from our sins by paying the debt for sin with His Blood) and our Lord ( He rose after 3 days beating death and Hell) Many will reject His gift of salvation and not go to Heaven. They chose it. God is grieved at the choice of those who reject Jesus' salvation. ☝️✝️🙏💞
Yes, God is ❤️ Love. He gave us Free Will.
One of the most amazing, beautiful NDE's I have ever heard. Thank you so much for taking the time to share this with us.
My dad has just died and through my selfish sadness this has brought him a bit closer. Just a bit closer. Poor old dad.
Hope you're alright ❤
That’s thoughtful of you ❤️
Well, nobody truly dies, we move to another place where we will meet so many people including our loved ones. Both my parents died about 5 years apart and I was not able to go to their funerals which really broke my heart, the wife I had said, who cares he is dead already, I was shocked of her coldness, I know they are important to us even after their death, so, thank God for him and tell others the things he did for you and others, we are to honor them always, I pass to my children who he was, his character, his strength, his accomplishments, his words of advise, his heroic acts, even his jokes... he sleeps now as you dad also sleeps according to the Bible, when he wakes up at Jesus's coming, it would be like the same day, like he never died... it will be perfect because Jesus will be there with our parents, surrounded by love and eternity.
Yes - thanks for your reply. I will definitely be passing on to my son some of my dad’s strength and the calming nature of his advice. He was a big character and remembered by so many who met him. If I had any of those traits I would be proud. He’ll stay alive in my son. I want to believe that there is more after our body dies but who really knows…
I thought that I had died when I overdosed about 2 years ago. But I don’t think I did. It was like I took a nap and woke up again and I didn’t even know what had happened. I kept asking everyone what was wrong? And they told me I was unconscious for about 7 minutes or something like that. I don’t remember any of it. I feel like if I actually had died it would have been different. I’m obviously thankful I’m still here but it scared me because I thought that I had died and there was just nothing. It was just black like if you fell asleep for a bit and then woke up again. But I’ve realized I didn’t die yet and it completely changed me to the point that I never touched those drugs again. I really enjoy listening to these NDE and it gives me peace that there is something in the afterlife ❤
It’s beautiful that you nurture your spirit & I feel, we still need to value & care for our physical…all are important❤️
That's amazing how he was capable of controlling the body while outside of the body. Amazing experience
I think he was somewhere in the middle of consciousness and non-consciousness. In the process if walking up. Yes, very interesting that he seemed to actually be in two different places at once!! Certainly challenges our perception of space and time and physicality.
I just loved this whole video and everything that was described in so much detail and sincerity.
Thank you, Vinney, for sharing your ADE.
Much love & light to you and your family.
Who is this Rookie..why don't we meet him ????? I think this would shed Light more onto this life changing story ☺
@dewarb8311// Vinney HAS said in other interviews that he meets with him often, and he's no longer a paramedic, but is a firefighter.
He’s prob made up
🇨🇦🫶🏼✝️Amazing story., we are spiritual being having a physical experience in this life!! Wow! That is so profound! I’m writing it down., to remind myself so that I don’t get angry at anyone., but to be forgiving!!😊 so., help me Lord to get in right standing with you!! 💜✝️💜
I have had several
Encounters with God, at different times of crisis. Crisis that was literally crushing me into death. The one that stays with me the most,, was waking to a “wind” in my bedroom, all around me, and the sound of LEAVES BLOWING THROUGH THE wind. But there was no wind outside, and no windows/ doors open. The Lord was healing me of a debilitating anxiety that was not being treated, medicated. I WAS HEALED. I SUFFERED SINCE A LITTLE GIRL , so scared of my violent Dad,,, this day,, after much much prayer and begging,,, He healed me.
I’m ready to go to our NEW ADDRESS,, home.
Bless this man for enduring the return to a body…. So we can hear and learn. Praise Jesus!❤
That was beautiful 😢. Your story made me cry and wanting to go home.
Retired RN here. There must have been some sign of heart activity when he defibrillated him the first time, because we never defibrillate without some kind of rhythm . But then again, who am I to argue with a spiritual event. I am so glad this man is alive and sharing his experience.
Remember he said he perked making the rookie think there was life.
Also, even systole is a non-shockable rhythm from my understanding but sometimes in dire circumstances they do sometimes try in hopes of a conversion. So grateful whatever the case, they kept at it and got him back. Many blessings
I was going to say “don’t forget this was 2003” but you said you’re retired so I’m sure you know already!
Godspeed ❤
As a retired nurse may I ask you a question. At the 41 minute mark he says he yanked out I.v’s and catheters, then walked to an elevator. Now I was hospitalized before and I had machines hooked up to me and if anything went off the nurses came and checked, also they knew exactly what room I was in. Now I’m not saying he’s lying but I highly doubt ripping this equipment from your body would not send the alarms off. But I’ll lean on your expertise. Thanks
The alarms do go off immediately....the unit clerk monitoring it...notify the nurses immediately....they are also attending and doing procedures with alot of other patients...they immediately go to that room....he was just faster! Beautiful Story.
Wow, how WONDERFUL! The thing that I related with SO much was the fact I had just sent my daughter this text message about 30 mins before. “You know this is not our home, don’t you?” So when I heard him say that I was absolutely filled with joy. He confirmed many things to me but what confused me was that there was no one else in heaven? Maybe that’s why he got send back to remind him of HIS Creator and the ONE who gives this Great Love! Yahovah is a GOD OF LOVE! I pray whole heartedly that he KNOWS Y’SHUA is HIS SAVIOR and the next time he goes it will be Y’SHUA who takes him. Then he will meet his Grandpa Drake and everyone else. I pray he gets baptized and Born Again(as Y’SHUA told Nicodemus) with such a joy, Amen! Hallelujah and Praise Y’SHUA🙌🙌🙌🔥I pray that he reads the Bible for himself and receives revelation and Yahovah uses him to speak into other peoples lives and bodies! LIFE to this body, deliverance and healing Amen! Not like they do on RUclips but SINCERELY like his grandpa said
Susan, I agree wholeheartedly with your prayer that Vinny will know his Saviour, Messiah...Amen!
He should only do those things if they are in line with his spiritual beliefs and worldview. His experience in itself does not necessarily confirm YOUR spiritual beliefs. Maybe it confirms HIS beliefs and maybe those are completely different than yours.
Amen. He is the only Way to Abba and His home ..our home who believe in Yeshua....are born again. ☝️✝️🙏💞
Heaven is within. Within each of us in the silence is where we find the truth and our connection to God, more so than what we read.
@@Danielle-nz9tn but he expected God or Jesus,so he was christian than
God is amazing!! Great story
Thanks for being here! And I agree!
Vinny's energy and sweetness can be felt just listening to him. What a loving and heart felt experience, Thank you for sharing, 💗
Vinney, Thank you so very much for sharing your experience. I realized a few minutes into the video that i had heard you share your story some time ago and i can tell you that it touched my heart just as deeply as it did my first time hearing it!❤️.
Such a Beautiful, Amazing experience and you really do a wonderful job describing it. I could literally listen to you talk about it for hours, I didn’t want this video to end. You are one of the most believable of all the NDE’s I have ever heard.
Of all the testimonies I have heard this one is the most amazing of all. So many details. Wow. Praise the Lord. Heaven is real.
Second time I've heard this lovely man's story and it reinforced the first. Such genuine love and honesty. Thank you so much!
Nice story. Bless the medic who took a chance and followed his inner promptings. Now Vinny is clearly back in his body. He is over weight probably because he subconsciously needs to feel grounded.
Wow! That beautiful story, but you had to find a way to criticize and fat shame him! Sounds like you really need to learn a lot of lessons!
Yeah, get that. You are observing a truth: trauma - even 'good' trauma often leads to using sugar and allied ultra-processed foods in an effort to lift serotonin levels.
I'm SO sorry for You. The fact that this story didn't even touch your soul, means you have a lot of work to do ahead of you. I hope some day You can find happiness in your life, man...😢
Vineyard is a Christian in case you didn’t know! He’s been on other channels and he adds more to his story here and there that you didn’t hear before! Just little things that you really get a better picture or maybe it’s just the way he describes it a little differently each time. But I absolutely love his story it’s my favorite!!! He speaks so well and radiates love when he speaks about the experience. I have been watching NDE’s now for about 10 years because of my curiosity about heaven. And what he learned and describes in his book is life changing I hope everyone reads it. Thanks for having Vinny on the show
I don't think Christianity is actually relevant..none of the world religions are actually God's word
This IS one NDE experience that brings attention to my soul. When you have Friends and Loved ones (family) leave you behind and it seems like your alone you wonder the purpose of life. I know and have always known people come into our lives for reasons. Jesus said, “ He who hath ears let him hear.”Matthew 11:15. Life IS ALWAYS talking.
I thank the gentleman for his story. Yes it is powerful. The host was so kind to let his guest speak without interruption. Thank you!
Thank you so much. The way he explains is beautiful!
I'm not crying... you're crying! Love the video, Vinny thanks for sharing your story and love. Wes, thanks for facilitating this. I look forward to reading Vinny's book and putting it's principles in my daily life!
Thanks man! Love your face
Vinny’s in my writing group Author Ready. Richard Paul Evans is our mentor. I’m so proud of Vinny. He’s a very kind person.
Okay, things are making more sense now. Thank you for telling us.
Such an amazing breathtaking story..I feel so blessed to have come across this.. I am blow away by his adventure..My best friend died last month, Sept 11..I miss her dearly..But I know her, My mom and Dad and so many others I have lost would never want to return to this earthly world and the bodies they had...What an experience..So very blessed.. Thank you for telling your story..
Thank you for your story. Life is a challenge.
Thank you for your testimony. I very recently received a very significant HEALING & found similarities in your story. I related to all the confusion of "but how..." "but why did..."Thank you so much for shareing your story.
Wow! I'm a believer that his story vibrated my whole body and sole, and everything he experienced has changed him is PROOF that our LORD has such a bigger plan than we can imagine. ☺️
Thank you for sharing your beautiful experience.
I have had an out of body experience which was beautiful. The music I heard was so clear. I went around the room (my spirit) and could see my body below but, I was afraid to go further for fear of not being able to find my body.
Several times during trying times such as the death of my mother and my father in law, I have been awakened by the most beautiful sound of a chorus singing. These experiences have made me not to fearful of death.
Thank you, Vinnie, for telling us your experience of being in heaven.
God bless you and your family! 🎉
Im so glad this turned up on my phone . I have tears. It is so beautiful. I remember we had a teacher at school and she taught RE. She said that we were here on earth because earth is a school and we are here to learn . Ive nevere forgotten that we arre learning cause life is a school.
Wonderful! I can't believe I watched the whole thing! I usually bail after a few minutes, but this was SO worth watching, even tho it started off slowly. I love the "authentic" part and the Drake part! What a wonderful experience and a wonderful way of sharing it. Thank you both for this very beautiful video.
Thank you so very much! I love the expression of the light and humor of the grass! All the love that comes from within. Everywhere. And the flowers and the trees and the fluid marble. That is the reality! Thank you so so much. Blessings to both of you! ❤
Wow. Just so you know, my friend, your podcasts are life changing.
Thank you! I appreciate the kind comment!
When we get to Heaven completely, everyone will know God and Jesus , for God is love and forgiveness.
Not everyone no
YES ⬅️. everyone !!! even the greatest sinner … as Jesus told us.
ANYONE who presumes to deny this fact is quite wrong… they are presuming to judge … which is a sin of course .. which comes of arrogance and self love.
You will only get to know Jesus if you recognise that you are a sinner, repent of your sins and accept him into your heart as your saviourHe died on the cross for you. Just being good is not enough. Only Jesus can wipe out all your sins.@@snowyowl6892
He was a great and advanced soul Drake . Eyes are the doors to soul .
Thats one of the most beautiful description of about whats happening there and that every feelings and interactions, thank you very much, it was very kind and calming talking that I have ever seen in NDE rank.
What a wonderful, touching story!!! Makes me wonder who my Drake will be when I leave this world. Thank you so very much!
Thank you so much for sharing. I often look at the grass and the trees in my backyard and see light coming from them. his story is something I can identify with, although I have never died.
I remember as a young child I would look at things like grass very closely, out in the sun, and see millions of little refracted rainbows, and it was so calming, it felt like home. 🥰
Wow. Just wow. We are spiritual beings having a physical experience. Earth school.
Our grandparents have always been a gift from God haven't they??
Beautiful!!!, I cried through the whole video
God is great!
Thank you for sharing this video
I absolutely loved this!! Such an articulate description of the loving energy that surrounds us. I feel truly uplifted. Many, many thanks!
I’m sometimes jealous of the certainty afforded the select who’ve had these experiences. Fascinating story.
Not jealous, envious.
❤ Thank you so much for this.